History Of The National Baptist Deacons' Convention

Founded In 1934
Human endeavors without God's blessing are vanity. We feel that this organization has God's blessing: and because of that, we have stood the storms, therefore able to celebrate Eighty plus years together in God's Vineyard.
On July 26, 1934, the General Baptist Association and it's Women's Auxiliaries called together Baptist Deacons and their wives in Washington DC and nearby localities to a meeting for the purpose of organizing a national Deacon's Convention. They realized that in unity there is the strength. This idea was born in the mind of the late Deacon James Ross, Chairman of the Baptist Deacon Board at Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, and the President of the Baptist Deacons Association, Washington DC. Representatives from Washington DC, Hilltop Maryland, and Richmond VA met in the Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Washington DC, where the Rev J H Randolph was Pastor.
At 11:30 a.m. the temporary Chairman suspended other business to organize the National Baptist Deacon's Convention. On a motion by James Christian Sr., of the Fourth Baptist Church of Richmond VA, then second by Deacon WT Wright, of the First African American Baptist Church of Richmond VA that the convention is organized and the motion was adopted. It was next voted on to adopt officers from the floor. Deacon AB Ruffin of Washington DC, who was appointed by Deacon Ross, to chair the Election.
The Following officer were elected:
Of the Executive Board:
James Ross of Washington DC....................President
James S Christian Sr. of Richmond VA......First Vice President
Colton Carrol of Charles County MD..........Second Vice President
Charles P Willis of Washington D.C............Recording Secretary
Joesph Hall of Washington D.C..................Corresponding Secretary
WA Kyle's of Richmond VA.........................Treasurer
Jasper Clayton of Washington D.C.............Chaplin
The Success of the National Baptist Deacon's Convention of America Inc and it's Auxiliaries have been attributed not only to the leadership of all the Presidents, but also the loyalty of Deacons, Deaconess, Deacon's Wives, and Deacon's Widows from various states individually, as well as, city and state organizations (Unions, Associations, Conferences, and Conventions).
The various committees of this National Baptist Deacon's Convention have led the way in bringing financial increase and building a great organization: Fellowship Breakfast, Special Projects, Foreign and Home Missions, Arts and Crafts, Goods and Welfare, Nurses Unit, Business and Professional, Deacon's Wives, Life Membership, Ushers, Scholarships, Directors and King and Queen State contest.
Our history would be incomplete without Vice Presidents, all Secretaries, Chaplains, Early Prayer and Praise Leaders, Parliamentarians, Sergeants at Arms, Publicity Chairmen, Executive Board, Bible Class Instructors, Treasures, Workshop Directors, all Instructors, Youth and Young Adult Officers and Sponsors.
"Where there is no vision the people will perish" Proverbs 29:18
The Foundation of the Convention was dug July 26, 1934, and since that time the laborers have not labored in vain.
Written by, Minister Dorothy Ransom, Historian