National Baptist Deacons' Convention Women’s Auxiliary
From The Desk of President Alfreda LeVaine
Greeting in the matchless name of our Savior Jesus Christ,
Welcome to the National Baptist Deacons' Convention of America Women’s Auxiliary webpage. I am humble and appreciative that this body of astounding Christian Women chose me as their President during our 86th Annual Virtual Convention. We have just held our first virtual convention which was successful and informative. We thank God for technology and allowing us to come together even in the midst of this pandemic.
I look forward to serving you as President of the Women’s Auxiliary. During our convention we use this as a time to invest in ourselves to become better leaders that we may be an asset to our Pastors, Churches, ministries, and our family and friends. This convention is a time to stop the hustle and bustle of our daily lives and allow God to refill us and the Holy Spirit to minister to us.
Our theme this year is “Set Your House in Order” Proverbs 24:3-4 and Matthew 6:33. It is an on time theme, for a time such as this. I can’t help but think that during this time we can set our house in order, through studying God’s word and using this time to build a closer relationship with Him. During this time let us hit the reset button and sees this as a moment that God is giving us another chance to work on getting it right; and to seek his face and have Him to reveal to us what it is he will have us to do. The scripture tell us in Proverb 24:4 “through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. What can be more beautiful then to Set your house in Order and let God fill it with rare and beautiful treasures of knowledge?
We invite you to join us in this convention which meets every year in March and July and be a part of this amazing fellowship. I look forward to the work that God will place before us during these next four years.
May grace and blessings be in your path.
Saved to Serve,
Deaconess Alfreda LeVaine
Women’s Auxiliary President

Officers of The Women’s Auxiliary
2020 to 2021 Officers
President: Deaconess Clarice Alfreda LeVaine ~ SC
First Vice President: Deaconess Mary Lomax ~ DE
Second Vice President: Deaconess Marilyn Greene ~ NJ
Third Vice President: Deaconess Carolyn Saunders ~ DC
Fourth Vice President: Deaconess Carolyn Dillard ~ VA
Fifth Vice President: Deaconess Lillian Wilson ~ CT
Sixth Vice President: Deaconess Elizabeth Tedford-Miller ~ MD
Vice President Emeritus: Deaconess Geraldine Twine ~ FL
Recording Secretary: Deaconess Ingrid Bell ~ PA
Assistant Recording Secretary: Deaconess Gracie Brown ~ MD
Correspondence Secretary: Deaconess Ruby Allen ~ DE
Assistant Correspondence Secretary:
Financial Secretary: Deaconess Rosalind Walker ~ MD
Assistant Financial Secretary: Deaconess Darletta Freeman ~ PA
Chaplin: Deaconess Cynthia Jones ~ VA
Assistant Chaplin: Deaconess Alma Edwards ~ DC
Parliamentarian: Deaconess Rosie Henry ~ DC