Young Adult Department: Ages 18-35
From the Desk of President Joleeta Williams
Greetings my brothers and sisters in Christ!
My name is Joleeta Williams, and I have the pleasure of serving as your young adult president.
I bring you greetings from the lovely state of Virginia where I am a member of the Second Baptist Church of South Richmond. I have been a faithful member and have served in many capacities of the National Baptist Deacons Convention Youth and Young Adult Departments for well over 15 years. I am so grateful to be a part of such a wonderful organization that has not only helped me to gain a tremendous amount of leadership experience, but lifelong friends from all over.
If you are looking for a group of people to consider your family, the National Baptist Deacons Convention is just that. We are a family of believers who are growing together through the love of Jesus Christ.
With Love,
Joleeta Williams
NBDC Young Adult President
2019-2020 Young Adult Officers
President: Sister Joleeta Williams ~ VA
First Vice-President: Brother Theron James ~ FL
Second Vice-President: Minister Jordan Hudson ~ PA
Secretary (Recording): Sister Kimaya Wilson ~ DE
Assistant Secretary (Corresponding): Sister Kendra Payne ~ VA
Chaplin: Brother Devon Wheeler ~ NJ
Assistant Chaplin: Sister Morgan Nelson ~ NJ
Treasurer: Sister Trinity Steele ~ DC ~ NJ
Historian: Open
Parliamentarian: Sister Krystal Yeadon ~ SC