National Baptist Deacons Convention Of America Inc. And Its Auxilliaries

Deacon Earl J. Wilson Sr., President Parent Body
2022 Theme
"Only What You Do For Christ Will Last
I Corinthians 15:58

877 67-Bible (877-612-4253)

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Registration Information

Annual Session Registration Process

~Each Body [ Local- State - Church - Board] should provide a copy of the registration form; No pre-printed forms will be provided from the NBDC.

~Each Body should appoint a registration Team Leader and Assistant Team Leader to perform the tasks for this project.

~Distribute forms to individuals interested; advise return date and "check payable to" information.

1. Once the designated [ Local- State- Church- Board] Team Leader receives the registration form with total payment (fees), post each registration to the Pre-Registration Spreadsheet. 
2. Verify all data and funds (registration form vs. spreadsheet).
3. Print two [2] copies of the Pre-Registration Spreadsheet and one copy of each registration form.

ATTN: Annual Registration Fees - Please Note: A Discount of $10.00 is ONLY available for those who pre-register before June 15th. Those who register on site will pay the FULL amount.

Registration Committee

Deaconess Gwendolyn Savage-Wise:

Deacon Chris Mack:

Deacon Alvin Bagley:

Individual Annual Session Registration

Parent Body: $50.00
Women's Auxiliary: $50.00
Advisors: $50.00
State March: $25.00
Young Adult: $30.00
Young Adult State March: $25.00
Youth 0-8: 10.00
Youth 9-17: $20.00
Youth State March $5.00

Organization Registration Fees

State: $160.00
Local: $135.00
Conference: $135.00
State Rally: $500.00 (minimum)

Church and Church Boards Registration Fees

Local Church: $100.00
Deacon Board: $100.00
Deaconess Board: $100.00

Online Registration

You may utilize our online registration process by clicking the following link, and you will be directed to online partner PlanetReg to complete online registration. You will need an email address to receive confirmation, and you can pay by credit card or PayPal. Online Registration will start Friday, June 26, 2020 at 8:00 AM.